Wednesday, January 2, 2008

2008 Crafty Resolutions

Its that time of year again, time for those pesky resolutions. But I'm not talking about losing weight/stopping bad habits/starting good habits types of resolutions. No, those are just way to hard to keep. I'm talking about the truly important resolutions - Crafty Resolutions!

Anyone who reads my beading blog has probably read about my crafty resolutions for 2007 and know that I didn't do so well. But that's okay, I'm cool with that. It has helped me to come up with a better list of goals for 2008. I'm only going to list the general crafting resolutions here. If you want to read some of my beading/jewelry making resolutions, go and check out my Beaded Desert blog (link is off to the right there).

So, here they are, in no particular order. Drum roll please!

Crafty Resolutions for 2008

  • Experiment with resin

  • Crochet mat for husband's laptop

  • Make a good start on that crochet afghan that I bought all the yarn for

  • Create a zine (single edition or more)

  • Finish husband's sleep pants and a another pair for me

Its a pretty short list, but maybe that will make it easier to accomplish most of these. We'll see how I do.

Thank you for joining me under the cactus today! Happy Crafting!

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